My Work

As with any good writer, I practice whenever I can; so, I’m not all about the blog or the upcoming novels… that’s where my portfolio comes in.

I’ve written for a wide range of different companies, including my own. After all, if I wouldn’t put it on my own site, why would your put it on yours?

The pieces below cover the work that’s out there with my name against it, these days I ghost write for many companies, so I can’t tell you which ones. It’s all very secretive. But, I do have some pieces kicking about the internet which you can have a read of.


Relative Horizon (Book 1, Earth Reforged trilogy, Exoterran Series) – Work-in-progress, sci-fi

Blindside (Book 1, Eclipse trilogy, Exoterran series) – First draft complete, sci-fi

Stuart The Barbarian in A Sword For All Reasons – Work-in-progress, surreal comedy fantasy

The Walls of Tartarus (Ascension series) – Work-in-progress, urban fantasy

Short stories:

Hunter – Urban fantasy set in the world of Walls of Tartarus (WoT), all about The Angel Hunter.

Sunday Morning – A random short born of a nightmare, to tell you more would ruin it.

The Sweetest Sorrow – Back with WoT, there’s nothing like catching up with old friends…

Siren – My first shot at horror in the WoT universe.

From – I’d never tried flash fiction before, this unusual little piece was my first and I loved it!

My Dissembled – Horror flash fiction featured on the Wicked Shorts blog, go check it out!


As I say above, much of the work I have completed since late 2017 has been ghost written, that means that I can’t list it here for obvious reasons. It would defeat the object. But, you can check out the blog right here or some of the older pieces below to get a taste of what I can do.

February 2017 – Etsy Seller Handbook piece: How 4 Sellers Said “I Do” To Starting Their Wedding Business