In the words of Obi Wan, hello there! It’s been a while. (Sorry about that.) Life has, in the last few years, been a little crazy. I’ve become a husband and a father, both surprisingly time-consuming enterprises. I’ve also moved back to the exciting and familiar world of self-employment. Once again, in the marketing and […]
The secret value of good critique

So good people, as the title suggests, we’re talking about two things; critique and criticism. You notice how I’ve delineated those two? Although they’re often used interchangeably, I view them very differently. The Definitions So, let’s talk definitions for a second:
The One Where I Write About Friends

Early in January this year (that’s 2018 for those of you from the future), the good people at Netflix added the American sitcom Friends their streaming service. This momentous event lead to much celebration and happiness from those of a “certain age”. Stretching from 1994 until 2004, Friends stretched to ten seasons with 236 episodes […]
4 rules for starting your writer’s platform
Starting out as a writer can be overwhelming; you have one hundred things to do, advice coming from all angles and suddenly you need to have opinions on things. Where do you stand on first-person vs third? Do you think that “show don’t tell” is a rule or an option? Is grammar relevant in your […]