Welcome to SAThurtle.com

I’m a prize-winning writer of fiction, short stories, blogs and pretty much anything else… wordy. 

A native of the UK, I live in the west of the Netherlands with my wife, two daughters, and two sleepy dogs.

During the day, I write blogs, copy, marketing material and much more besides as a freelance copywriter.

(I once wrote text for the side of a sparkling wine bottle. You can’t buy that kind of experience. Well… you can, but you know what I mean.)

Beyond the day jobs, I write fiction in the form of  speculative science fiction, urban fantasy and whatever Stuart is

As of today, there are lots of projects on the go including a couple of book series and some short stories. You’ll get updates on the big stuff on this site via the blog and you’ll also find some of my short stories here too.

I also write about things that interest me or are on my mind. It’s good to air ideas and get them out in the world. You may find some of them interesting, I welcome feedback and thoughts, so if you have them, feel free to drop a comment or get in contact

Coming soon...